Zhou Shikai’s Project Portfolio Page
WatchNext is a show tracker designed for users who watch their favourite shows on multiple free streaming platforms and other open source streaming websites. WatchNext also records your progress for the different shows you are currently watching, and even for upcoming shows that you plan to watch. We have used this project to showcase our ideas and skillset and we believe that even though this is a student project, it has potential to much more.
Summary of Contributions
Code contributed
As a core member of the team, I am an active contributor of code both for new functionality and bug fixes, which is detailed below: Link to code contribution
Enhancements implemented
This is a summary of the enhancements I implemented:
- Wrote AddCommand #25, #47
- Description: This is a core functionality that allows users to add shows into the showlist.
- Wrote EditCommand #32, #41
- Description: Another key feature that allows users to change information about the shows they are watching.
- Co-wrote UpdateTimeLimitCommand #54
- Description: Allows user to set or change their watchtime limit.
- Wrote the TimeParser Utility #121
- Description: A utility function that handles making sense of the user’s time input.
- JUnit Test Code for the commands above #38
- Parts of InputParser and Ui that relates to the above functionalities #211
Issues Fixed
- Bug Fixes for UpdateShowEpisodeProgressCommand #147
- Bug Fixes for UpdateShowSeasonCommand #150
- Fixed issues raised during testing and mock PE #180, #181, #182, #188, #198, #200,
- And other smaller bugs.
Contributions to documentation
Contributions to the User Guide
As the lead developer for the Add and Edit Commands, I wrote the user guide sections for Add and Edit.
In addition, I added the How to use this guide?
section and helped to edit and review other parts such as the Introduction section and Features section.
Lastly, I also helped to touch up the language and style of the User Guide for a more consistent reading experience.
Contributions to the Developer Guide
For the Developer Guide,
I wrote the sections for AddCommand, EditCommand, UpdateShowEpisodeProgressCommand and UpdateShowSeasonCommand.
made the UML diagram for the editCommand command flow.
contributed to the manual testing portion and DevOps section.
Contributions to team-based task
Wrote User Stories
Helped set up the team’s repo
Released v1.0 Jar
Review/mentoring contributions
I actively tested the code and found many issues. Apart from that, I also reviewed code from my fellow members, gave suggestions to improve code quality and suggested potential solutions to the problems my team faced.